sugar glider cage set up

If you’re considering a sugar glider as a pet, you’re in for a treat. These adorable, social animals are fun, interactive, and intelligent, making them great companions for the right owner. But before bringing home your new pet, it’s important to ensure you have the proper living environment set up. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know to set up the perfect sugar glider cage.

Cage Size

The first and most important consideration when setting up a sugar glider cage is the size. Sugar gliders are active animals that require plenty of space to play, climb, and explore. The minimum recommended cage size for a single sugar glider is 24″ x 24″ x 36″, but a larger cage is always better. If you plan to house more than one sugar glider, you’ll need an even larger cage. As a general rule, add 12″ of width and 6″ of height for each additional sugar glider.

Cage Type

Once you’ve determined the appropriate size for your sugar glider cage, the next consideration is the type of cage. There are several options to choose from, including wire cages with a plastic base, flight cages designed for birds, and even custom-made enclosures. While each type has its pros and cons, it’s important to ensure that the cage is safe, secure, and provides ample space for your sugar glider to move around and play.


For bedding, sugar gliders require a soft, absorbent material that’s safe for them to burrow in. Paper-based bedding is an excellent choice as it’s absorbent, dust-free, and easy to clean. You can also use fleece blankets or towels, which can be washed and reused. However, it’s important to avoid using wood shavings, as they can be dusty and irritating to your sugar glider’s respiratory system.


Sugar gliders are active and curious animals that require plenty of toys and accessories to keep them entertained and healthy. Some essential accessories for a sugar glider cage include:

  • Hammocks: Sugar gliders love to sleep in hammocks, which provide a cozy and comfortable place to rest. You can buy pre-made hammocks or make your own using soft, breathable fabrics.
  • Exercise Wheel: An exercise wheel is an excellent way for your sugar glider to get some exercise and stay healthy. Make sure to choose a solid-surface wheel that’s safe for their feet and avoid wire or mesh wheels, which can cause injury.
  • Climbing toys: Sugar gliders love to climb and play, so provide them with plenty of branches, ropes, and ladders. You can also add a hanging bridge or tunnels to give them even more space to explore.
  • Water bottle: A water bottle is a better option than a water dish, as it’s less likely to spill and get dirty. Choose a bottle with a metal spout to prevent chewing and leaks.
  • Food dish: Use a heavy ceramic or metal dish to prevent your sugar glider from tipping it over. Consider getting a dish that attaches to the side of the cage to save space and reduce mess.
  • Hideouts: Sugar gliders like to have a safe and secure place to hide, so provide them with a cozy hideout. You can use a pre-made hideout or make your own using a coconut shell, PVC pipe, or cardboard box.


In addition to setting up the perfect cage, it’s also important to ensure your sugar glider’s diet is healthy and balanced. Sugar gliders are omnivores and require a diet that includes a mix of protein, fruits, and vegetables. Some essential foods to include in their diet are:

  • Protein: Sugar gliders require high-quality protein sources, such as cooked chicken, eggs, or insects. You can also provide them with a commercial sugar glider pellet that contains protein and other essential nutrients.
  • Fruits: Sugar gliders love sweet, juicy fruits, such as apples, grapes, and bananas. However, it’s important to limit their fruit intake to prevent obesity and other health issues.
  • Vegetables: Vegetables are an important source of vitamins and minerals for sugar gliders. Some good options include leafy greens, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

It’s important to note that sugar gliders have specific dietary requirements, and feeding them the wrong foods can lead to health problems. Avoid giving them sugary or fatty foods, as well as foods that are toxic to them, such as chocolate, avocado, and onions.

Health and Safety Considerations

Finally, when setting up a sugar glider cage, it’s important to consider their health and safety. Some important factors to keep in mind include:

  • Temperature: Sugar gliders are native to warm, tropical environments and require a consistent temperature of around 75 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid placing their cage in drafty areas or near windows or doors.
  • Lighting: Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals and need access to a dark, quiet place to sleep during the day. However, they also need access to natural light to help regulate their internal clock. Placing their cage near a window or providing them with a UVB lamp can help meet their lighting needs.
  • Socialization: Sugar gliders are social animals and need daily interaction with their owners or other sugar gliders to thrive. Make sure to spend time with your sugar glider every day and consider getting them a companion if you only have one.
  • Vet Care: Like all pets, sugar gliders need regular vet checkups to ensure they’re healthy and free from illness. Find a vet that specializes in exotic animals and schedule regular checkups for your sugar glider.

In conclusion, setting up the perfect sugar glider cage requires careful consideration of their size, cage type, bedding, accessories, diet, and important considerations for their health and happiness. By following these guidelines, you can create a safe and comfortable living environment for your sugar glider and provide them with the love and care they need to thrive. With the right setup and care, your sugar glider can be a beloved and rewarding pet for many years to come.

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